Reality Adrift

Pearing into the seams,
what becomes real?
as you break away the walls,
the boundaries.
and fall into more of reality than
you ever thought possible.
as belief evolves into less than
a lie
we might begin to realize
reality is false.
as the filters give way
to the totality of sensation
what do we miss when perception
follows merely the eyes?
the expansion will follow
as we open to smells
to the sensation of energy
in all its forms.
it’s all an illusion
contained within our heads
the projection from within
i sense a sickness
as an abstraction is called real
when real is not really real.
the mind is false
the body is real
in conjunction we are total
finding that mirror of the self
in the sensations around
information gathered and processed
into the picture we see
yet what if we smelled
as dogs do
and found love that way
instead of looking, try
closing your eyes
and see the world for once
as it truly is.



What happens when
you forgot how to spell a
as if you don’t know what the word
is, like you forgot that extra f in
What if you removed that f
from belief
you’d have belie
as in be that lie
or don’t its up to you
the choice is yours
choose your own adventure.

the power is yours
create what you will
i’ll dine along
and offer you everything
the price is yours to choose
just follow though and
add a little love.
as in fucking do something
instead of waiting for that
dick to come out and slap
you in the face
grab it yourself and take hold
might find someone who actually cares
my dick would have been yours
if only you asked for it.
or better yet grabbed it.
whip it out… Fuck you.
or rather go fuck yourself.
this dick is yours
now ill never let you taste it.
