
Some believe they are from the sun as the Incas and Balinese do. However, this one comes to this sector of reality from the moon it seems. Born through the mysterious female in that ski resort mountain range, to arise in that lovley valley of Boulder, Co between the plains and the hills. Recieving insipiration from moving, inbetween traveling and dancing through worlds inorder to translate and bring forth the mystical experience and all that is beyond words back into this cave of chains and shadows on the wall. No longer babeling we can move on into consiously evolving the human spirit into the creative light of the mysterious female before we ever thought of building that silly babylonian tower to find god. Comunication comes in many forms and this one seeks to destroy this language of babel, the words i use now, to free us from our blind servitude and bring in the kingdom of heaven. Change is happening, chaos rules, and the paradox is quite real. Creation is the ticket, the artist shall lead the way. Recently in Peru, the garden of eden, hell on earth – can be anywhere – engaging that heavenly prophecy. Starting my own religion to bring forth a new age, an era of the goddess that speaks in silence, simply light. We can begin again to hear her song instead of his word. Avoid gurus follow fungus, rememer its all just a joke, and never forget to bring a towel.

While this sounds nice I’m protesting by being homeless in boulder dealing with with meth police sending drug enslaved cops at me and now the game is to get arrested for no reason and make money. Queztacotl you joker.( read the dragon eats me post) My millionaire mother with money from my grandfather’s Australian oilstock got Crack whipped by cu boulder into not giving me any money or letting me live anywhere else . And just takes me out to eat and buys me groceries…

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Amy
    Nov 14, 2017 @ 20:43:47

    Hi. I’m enjoying your writing. I forget where I found it. Maybe acidmath or hulaween or Ryan croppers friends on fb since that’s where I read about how to be a human since I’m not doing so great. Thank you and I love you, self.


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